to go search for our lost
brothers and sisters in Christ 


to discover and recover our
brothers and sisters in Christ


to teach our brothers
and sisters in Christ


Divine Truth

We believe in the accuracy, truth, authority and power of the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God.

One God

We believe that God eternally exists in three - the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit - and that these three are One.

JEsus Christ

We believe Jesus Christ to be the virgin born Son of God who lived in the flesh, died for the sins of the world, was buried, rose again in His resurrection and ascended to the Father according to the Scriptures.

Grace & Salvation

We believe that the death of Jesus Christ was the final and complete sacrifice for the sins of humanity. Salvation is obtained by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. We believe no degree of good works can save anyone. Our redemption has been accomplished solely by the blood of Jesus Christ, who died in our place. 

Indwelling Power

We believe that life on earth is to be lived in the power of the Holy Spirit, who indwells believers, enabling them to live distinctive lives in the life and power of Christ, bringing glory to the Father in heaven by the manifestation of His divine nature in our human bodies.


We believe that those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ are knit together in one Body, the Church.